Your Guide to JustGo: User Guidelines for a Safe and Efficient Platform

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Welcome to JustGo, a platform that connects merchants and service providers for efficient transportation services. As a JustGo user, it is important to follow certain guidelines to ensure that both parties can carry out their jobs effectively and safely.

For Merchants:

  1. Provide Honest and Accurate Information – To facilitate efficient service delivery, provide honest and accurate information about job details such as job location, materials to be transported, and timelines. This will help service providers plan and execute the job smoothly.
  2. Prohibited Items – Do not make service providers carry dangerous items without ensuring safety protocols. Also, do not request transportation of goods other than the ones stated in the job description, unless clearly communicated with service providers beforehand.
  3. User Conduct – Be polite and respectful to all parties involved. Ensure that jobs are started on time to prevent unnecessary delays, additional fees for waiting time may be incurred. Ensure safety protocols are in place to protect your staff, materials/goods to be transported, as well as the service provider’s staff and equipment.
  4. User Privacy – Do not contact service providers outside of the job for anything unrelated, and do not share personal details about the service provider, as it is a violation of our privacy policy.

For Service Providers:

  1. Provide Honest and Accurate Information – To facilitate efficient service delivery, provide honest and accurate information about your services, drivers, and vehicles.
  2. Prohibited Items – Do not transport dangerous items without ensuring safety protocols. Also, do not transport goods other than the ones stated in the job description, unless clearly communicated with merchants beforehand.
  3. User Conduct – Be polite and respectful to all parties involved. Ensure that drivers arrive on time, so that jobs can be completed on time and you do not waste your time. Ensure safety protocols are in place to protect your own staff, and the materials/goods to be transported.
  4. User Privacy – Do not contact merchants outside of the job for anything unrelated, and do not share personal details about the merchants, as it is a violation of our privacy policy.

Both Merchants and Service Providers:

  1. Do not make orders outside of the app – JustGo strives to be the platform where you can make and accept orders with confidence. Making orders outside the app undermines our safety and privacy protocols.
  2. Need Help? – If you encounter any difficulties or have any questions, please contact us at our support number. In cases where there are disputes, we will do our best to mediate and reach a reasonable agreement between you and the service provider(s).
  3. Read the Detailed Terms and Conditions – It is essential to read the detailed terms and conditions to ensure compliance with all requirements. Click here to read our Terms of Use

Adhering to these guidelines will help both merchants and service providers carry out their jobs efficiently and safely. At JustGo, we strive to provide a safe and reliable platform for transportation services, and we appreciate your cooperation in following these guidelines.
